Please use the highest-quality method you are able to use to send us a 15-second clip using one of the methods below.
- Share files using Google Drive (high-quality transfer).
- Share files using Dropbox (high-quality transfer).
- Share files using WeTransfer (high-quality transfer).
- Share files using email (small-size transfer).
- Share files using Facebook Messenger (low-quality transfer).
- We would very much like to have a compilation video showcasing brief previews of all the talent.
- Please create or locate a high-quality video of your content that you would like to share with us as part of the compilation promo video.
- Be sure to also send us a text or Facebook chat message letting us know you shared your file and what event you are sharing for.
Important Tips for Promoting an Event
- Start early, at least 1-month before the event.
- Use a high-quality, highly visible promo video that captures the energy of the event.
- What, When, Where, Why go, What’s the price, Who to contact?
- Promote in the same neighborhood as the event.
- People are more likely to do what you ask when given reasons. Use the word “because”.
- Send a PERSONAL invite or invite IN-PERSON. Give reminders.
- Use great graphics and interesting branding. Use images that FEEL like the event.
- Offer friend and family discounts or other benefits.
- Tell people directly what you want, e.g., “I would love to see you attend ___.”
- Play the numbers game and reach as many people as possible.
- Bring people that bring people.